University Hours
of Operation
Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00
P.M. Central Standard Time.
Observed Holidays
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Presidents’ Day/Washington’s
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans’ Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Requirements, rules, procedures, courses,
and informational statements are subject
to change. The University reserves the right
to make changes as required in course offerings,
tuition, fees, curricula, academic policies,
and other rules and regulations affecting
students. Should a change in course offerings
or curricula affect current studies, the
student must contact the Faculty Department.
Changes in rules and regulations may affect
as well as currently enrolled students.
Possible future changes in tuition fees
would not
affect actively enrolled students. If an
inactive student were to reactivate his/her
cost of tuition will be adjusted according
to current rates.
Active Student
Status - An active student is considered
to be a degree-seeking, fully enrolled student
who has either paid tuition in full or is
paying tuition on a monthly basis.
Inactive Student
Status - A student is considered
inactive if they are two months behind in
tuition payments. In order to activate a
student’s status, a $45 reactivation
fee must be remitted.
Financial Probation/Suspension
- A student will be placed on financial
probation/suspension for:
- Failure to pay two (2) or more monthly
tuition payments, or
- Having two (2) or more returned items
(tuition payments, fees, etc.) in an academic
A student may request a formal extension
for a valid hardship. An extension may be
requested at any time throughout the student’s
allotted degree term. Additional questions
regarding program extensions should be directed
to the Registrar’s Office.
A student who wishes to discontinue his/her
studies with the University
must notify the Registrar’s Office
by certified mail. The student must then
clear all outstanding financial obligations
to the University. Failure to officially
withdraw from the University may result
in Withdrawal (W) grade status and jeopardize
readmission to the University.
Columbus University has fully supported
and fostered in its educational programs,
admissions, employment practices, and activities,
the policy of not discriminating on the
basis of race, color, creed, national origin,
sex, age, or disability. This policy is
in compliance with all applicable federal
regulations and guidelines.
Students are issued a complimentary, sealed
copy of an official transcript and a student
copy upon completion of coursework within
their degree program. Alumni and graduates
may request additional transcripts. Official
transcripts will not be issued if outstanding
financial obligations are due to the University.
Alumni records are kept on a permanent basis.
The University offers recommendations on
how to order class rings and diploma frames,
as well as information regarding Dissertation
binding. Please contact a University representative
for more details.
The principles of truth and honesty are
recognized as fundamental to the University.
The University expects that both faculty
and students will follow these principles
and, in so doing, protect the validity of
the University grades.
Academic Work
- All academic work will be completed by
the student to whom it is assigned without
unauthorized data or help of any kind. Specifically,
cheating, plagiarism, and misrepresentation
are prohibited. Any student discovered to
have committed any of the above will be
subject to disciplinary action.
Disciplinary Action
- A Faculty Advisor will file a written
report outlining the academic violation.
The Advisor will discuss the matter privately
with the student involved. No penalty will
be imposed until the student has been informed
of the charge and has been awarded an opportunity
to present a defense. Determination that
a violation has occurred may result in the
assignment of a lower grade, failure for
the course, suspension, or expulsion.
Appeals Procedure
- A student must file his/her appeal to
the disciplinary action proposed within
fifteen (15) days of notification by the
Advisor. The appeal must be based upon one
or more of the following criteria:
- The professional behavior of the instructor
can be questioned.
- The facts of the alleged violation may
be in error.
- The sanction imposed may be excessive.
If the student’s appeal is denied,
he/she may request that the Chairman of
the Board of the University review the case.
The decision of this officer is final.